KAUAI INFORMATION - 12/08/2024 - 17:37
Arts & Culture
Alternative & Eco-Cultural Events http://www.alternative-hawaii.com/kaucal.htm
Times and locations of events are subject to change.
To confirm an event (and avoid disappointment), please call the number listed (area code for Hawaii
is 808).
Attention Event Sponsors:
If you would like your event listed here (free of charge), please fill out and send our
Calendar Event Submission Form. |
Garden Island Arts Council http://gardenislandarts.org
Hula Halaus http://www.kaimi.org/kauai.htm
Kauai Music Scene http://www.kauaimusicscene.com/
Artists, Bands, Venues, Events
Kauai Society of Artists http://kauaisocietyofartists.org
Board of Realtors http://kauai-realtor.com/
E.T. Services - Sound & Lighting http://et-av.com
E.T. Services can supply all levels of sound and lighting systems indoors or out from a string quartet or jazz trio at an intimate event to a rock or reggae concert. E.T. Services is happy to take responsibility for details such as stage management, back-line equipment, tents, generators and power distribution.
Heart to Heart Kauai Weddings http://www.heart2heartkauai.com
Custom Kauai Weddings: Phone: 808-823-6869
Kauai Products & Services Directory http://www.lauhala.com
KQNG Commercial Radio http://kongradio.com/
Hear the fabulous Ron Wiley and other island personalities on FM 93.5 or AM 5700
Real Estate Search real-estate-search
Royal-T Entertainment http://royal-t.net
T-Shirt Quilts by Marie Alma Acosta http://lauhala.com/t-shirt-quilts
Don't throw out those old T-shirts - Recycle them into a one-of-a-kind quilt to warm you with lasting memories!
Vendors Events Calendar https://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/calendar.php?crd=kauaivendors
WorkWise Kauai One-Stop Job Center http://www.workwisekauai.com/
We connect Kauai's people, businesses and resources to succeed.
If you're looking to find a job, a better job, or a whole new career path, WorkWise Kauai has the largest jobs database in the state and tools to help along the way. If you're looking to find a new employee, train your current ones, or find out about the latest regulations, the WorkWise Kauai One-Stop Job Center is the place to look first on Kauaʻi.
Island Breath - Kauai Community Blog http://homepage.mac.com/juanwilson/islandbreath
Kauai Planning & Action Alliance kauainetwork.org
Kauai Planning & Action Alliance, Inc. (KPAA) is pleased to share information for and about the nonprofit and community groups that provide needed services and improve the quality of life on the Garden Isle. We hope you will find it useful.
Kauai Style Online Community http://www.kauaistyle.com
Localstuffs.com - Free ads and listings http://www.localstuffs.com/home.php
Kauai's own place to buy, rent, trade, sell or wat eva's. List your organization's events, community events, yard sales, wanted and freestuffs, talk story and find all kine useful information. And you can do it all, right here, and for free!
Radio Station http://www.kkcr.org
Sustainability Blogs http://www.kauaian.net/kauai_column.html
West Kauai Community Plan http://westkauaiplan.org/
Community College http://kauai.hawaii.edu
Kauai Musicians http://lauhala.com/kauaimusic/index.php?list-bands
Live Music http://thegardenisland.com/entertainment/night-life/article_2d1b16f4-dc2f-11e0-b365-001cc4c03286.html
Lihue Airport Latitude & Longitude from GPS
21 59 North
159 23 West
The Ahupua`a of Nawiliwili Bay http://lauhala.com/ainakumuwai/
Kauai County Website http://kauai.gov
Health & Wellness
Kauai Practitioners Directory http://wellnesskauai.com
Google Query http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=kauai
Local News Stories http://www.okauai.com/gin
Topographic Maps http://okauai.com/topomaps
Guild of Hawaii Computer Professionals http://lauhala.com/guild
Macintosh Users Group http://okauai.com/kmug/
Submarine Cable Map https://www.submarinecablemap.com
Kauai County Website http://kauai-hawaii.com
Kauai Emergency and Visitor Resources:
Kauai Visitors Bureau http://kauaivisitorsbureau.com
Poipu Beach Resort Association http://www.poipubeach.org
Animated Satellite Image http://www.weather.com/weather/map/96766?name=hawaiisatellite_large_animated&day=1
National Hurricane Center - Tropical Prediction Center
The Pacific Disaster Center
Eastern Pacific Hurricane Tracking map
Weather live from the National Weather Service
Intellicast's link to tropical weather
National Weather Service
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Infra-red Satellite Image
Pacific Infrared Animation http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/west/cpac/loop-avn.html
Pacific RGB Animation http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/GOES/WEST/CPAC/RGB_loop.html
Pacific Shortwave Infra-Red http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/west/cpac/loop-ir2.html
Pacific Surface Wind Patterns http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-158.56,20.87,2151
Pacific Visible Animation http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/west/cpac/loop-vis.html
Pacific Water Vapor Animation http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/west/cpac/loop-wv.html
Report http://www.wunderground.com/US/HI/lihue.html
Storm Watchers http://www.prh.noaa.gov/cphc/?satellite
NullSchool Winds
wunderground-96741 http://www.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?num=10&delay=100&scale=1.00&noclutter=0&ID=HKI&type=NCR&lat=21.92237663&lon=-159.53027344&label=Kalaheo%2C+HI&showstorms=99&showlabels=1&rainsnow=1
Brenneckes Beach http://www.poipubeachkauai.com/Site/Webcam.html
Kalaheo Cafe & Coffee Company http://kalaheo.com/webcam.php
Princeville View of Land to Ocean